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SRE: Valmiera Theatre commissioned after extensive reconstruction works


Valmiera Theatre, successfully commissioned on 15 July this year. The inspection of the site carried out by the State Construction Control Bureau on 12 July was successful and the act on acceptance of the building into operation was received on 15 July. The theatre will welcome the audience in the renovated premises in the new season, and the official handover event is scheduled for autumn this year, informs Jeļena Gavrilova, a member of the Board of SJSC “State Real Estate”.

The Valmiera Theatre building, which faced several technical and aesthetic problems before its reconstruction, is already opening up in the Valmiera cityscape as a new symbol of the city's cultural life. Jeļena Gavrilova points out: "We are very proud of what we have achieved with this reconstruction. The theatre is not only aesthetically and architecturally attractive, but also technically improved, meeting energy efficiency requirements and providing a comfortable environment for theatre staff and visitors."

The main objective of the construction project was to improve the building's energy efficiency and energy management. After a thorough renovation, which included the modernisation of several technical systems and the building's structure, the theatre is now fully ready to resume its creative activities. Jeļena Gavrilova points out that the reconstruction was technically challenging, but was successfully carried out, taking into account the theatre's cultural and historical significance and the city's architectural features.

The construction process was complicated by several factors, including the need to keep the theatre open during construction. Despite extensive reconstruction work, the theatre continued to perform and welcome audiences in part of the building. This dynamic required careful coordination to ensure that the theatre was not interrupted and that quality standards were maintained. It was a challenging task that required precise planning and flexibility from all parties involved to successfully combine the construction and theatre operations.

Overall, the new layout of the building and the enlarged halls will allow for a more organic use of the space, separating the flow of visitors and theatre staff.

 The project included the partial reconstruction of the auditorium area of the Great Hall, including both new walls and floors. To improve visibility and comfort for spectators, the old boxes and stands were dismantled and replaced by additional rows of seats. These improvements not only provide slightly larger audiences, but also a more modern and comfortable environment for enjoying performances. The newly created Black Box theatre, which will complement the range of theatre events, will provide new opportunities for artists and new emotions for theatre-goers.

Once the building is operational, fit-out and other works will continue to allow staff and audience to return to the building. The theatre will bring its staff back together and open its season on 30 July with a general meeting, the announcement of the new season's repertoire and the traditional events to celebrate the season. The audience will be able to see the new premises from 23 August, when the first performance of the season "Pazudušais  dēls" will take place in the Round Hall, and the first performance in the Great Hall will take place on 26 September, when the play "Valmieras puikas", moved from the "Kurtuve" to the stage of the Great Hall, will be performed there. The first new production in the Great Hall will be on 4 October, a collaboration between Viljandi and Valmiera theatres – “Cosmopoliten”, where actors from both theatres will be on stage together and the theatre will fully celebrate its return to its new home.

The total cost of the project amounted to EUR 16 310 262 (including VAT), of which EUR 9 547 275 was provided by the European Regional Development Fund under the Specific Support Objective (Project ID Nr. and (Project ID Nr., EUR 6 755 039 – state budget, while Valmiera Theatre covered EUR 7 948 of the total project costs. In addition to the above costs, Valmiera Theatre has invested EUR 338 395 from its own financial resources. The project was implemented under the specific support objective 4.2.1 of the Operational programme “Growth and Employment” for the 2014-2020 planning period of the European Union "To increase energy efficiency in residential buildings” of the measure “To increase energy efficiency in state buildings” and European Union Cohesion Policy Program for 2021-2027 specific support objective 5.1.1 “Promotion of integrated social, economic and environmental development of local territory and cultural heritage, tourism and safety in functional areas of cities” of the measure “Development of regional cultural infrastructure to improve access to cultural services”.

About the Valmiera Theatre building

The Valmiera Drama Theatre building was constructed in 1996, designed by architects Modris Ģelzis, Olita Upaciere, and Juris Gusevs, at the former site of the Latvian Society building. This impressive masonry building with two auditoriums, a theatre museum, an art salon, and a café is not only a cultural and historical landmark, but also an outstanding example of modern architecture of its time. The theatre building is located in the immediate visual vicinity of St Simon’s Lutheran Church, giving it special meaning and an unparalleled aura. It is also part of the protection zone of Valmiera St Simon’s Lutheran Church, Valmiera Castle Ruins, and the town’s medieval fortifications, which is a national architectural heritage site.

During the reconstruction of VDT, the administrative wing designed by the outstanding architect Modris Ģelzis was preserved, while the technically and visually outdated additions were demolished, updating the place with laconic, modern spaces instead of the awning structures. This transformation will significantly increase the capacity of the administrative part of the building, creating an overall cohesive and aesthetically pleasing appearance that organically fits the urban environment from all perspectives.

About SRE

SRE provides professional real estate management and administration for 419 building and structure properties, comprising 1049 buildings with a total area of 0.98 million square metres, as well as land beneath structures with a total area of 585 hectares, and 3385 land properties with a total area of 937 hectares. SRE is one of 17 Latvian companies that in 2023 received the highest platinum award as part of the Sustainability Index of the Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, confirming the good governance and sustainability of its operations. The company was founded in 1996 and the Ministry of Finance is its sole shareholder.