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The aim of the project is to build new, modern infrastructure for the functions of the State Revenue Service, the State Border Guard, and the Food and Veterinary Service at Uriekstes iela 42B in Riga (Kundziņsala), and to set up a State Border Guard Riga Administration Riga Port category II border control checkpoint, with the  relocation of a part of the Riga customs control checkpoint of the State Revenue Service Customs Administration, Riga Freeport customs control checkpoint 0210, and Food and Veterinary Service Riga Port control checkpoint at Uriekstes iela 16 in Riga to Uriekstes iela 42B, Riga.

The project will create a modern working environment for effective cooperation between the supervisory services pursuing measures to prevent illicit trade ​and ensure an appropriate level of safety and security.

The customs clearance procedure will speed up and be simplified, with more favourable conditions created ​for business, and less negative impact created by the transport vehicles of the Port of Riga ​on the road traffic in Riga ​and the quality of the city’s air; it will also be a step in the development of TEN-T ​infrastructure.

The effective management of border crossing traffic at the EU internal and external borders significantly strengthens our country’s internal security. I would like to thank VAS “Valsts nekustamie īpašumi” and our other partners for their significant support in the implementation of national security projects, as we work consistently to improve the services provided to the public and contribute to the significant improvement of the working conditions of our border guards and other people working at the facility.

Dimitrijs Trofimovs,
State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior

Project preparation
Construction contract
Construction works
Handower to the customer

Project preparation
Construction contract
Construction works
Handower to the customer

Project name:
Construction of infrastructure necessary for the functions of supervisory services in Kundziņsala’, implemented on 28 April 2021 (minutes No 36, § 27), as part of Reform 6.1.2.r ‘Remote and centralised analysis of images scanned at customs checkpoints’ of the Latvian Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (‘Recovery and Resilience Mechanism’, RRM) Plan approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. .

Project purpose:
Create new, modern infrastructure for the functions of the supervisory services (State Revenue Service (SRS), State Border Guard (SBG), and Food and Veterinary Service (FVS)) at Uriekstes iela 42, Riga (Kundziņsala), including the relocation of the SBG Riga Administration Riga Port category II border control checkpoint, SRS Riga Customs Administration Riga Freeport customs control checkpoint 0210 and FVS Riga Port control checkpoint at Uriekstes iela 16 in Riga to 42 Uriekstes iela, Riga.

Main activities of the project:
In order for the supervisory services to successfully perform their functions and to enable cooperation between the supervisory services, including transport logistics, taking into account the solutions of the project ‘Road connection from Tvaika iela to Kundziņsala’, it is planned to construct the following facilities in the approximately 5.9 ha of the port area that is currently not used for economic purposes and is undeveloped: 

  • ~35,000 m2 of parking areas for lorries and cars;
  • A building complex with an area of ~ 5550 m2, with the premises for the functions of SRS, SBG, and FVS departments (including premises shared by all the supervisory services: a customer service room, meeting rooms and classrooms, lounge/dining rooms; server room, etc.);
  • A cargo control X-ray equipment building and a cargo control X-ray equipment operator building: ~ 636 m2;
  • 2 control areas covered by awnings, ~36 m2 each;
  • Autility building: ~136 m2.

Project benefits:
The following will be achieved as a result of the investments:

  • reduction of the negative impact of the vehicles related to the Port of Riga on the road traffic in Riga, working towards the development of European transport network (TEN-T) infrastructure, and contributing to the improvement of the quality of air in Riga;
  • creation of a modern working environment with appropriate technological solutions enabling effective cooperation among supervisory services at the border crossing checkpoint, in order to implement measures to combat illicit trade, delivering a proper level of security and safety, and to speed up and simplify the customs clearance process, thus making Latvia more attractive to business;
  • creation of more favourable business conditions by reducing the time cargo spends on the road.

Project period and funding:
The investments of the RRM Plan must be completed no later than 30 June 2026.

The total amount of funding foreseen for the investment:
EUR 39,134,316 (of which EUR 12,758,000 comes from a grant allocated to the RRM Plan and EUR 26,376,316 is national budget funding).

The target group of the project:
The beneficiaries of the investment are the Ministry of Finance (MoF), the Ministry of the Interior (MoI, MoI Information Centre and Provision State Agency), and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA).

Target social groups:
Private individuals and legal entities that will use the services of border crossing checkpoints.

Link to the programme websites:

Investīcijas progress:

09.09.2024. saņemta objekta “Ģeotermālie urbumi Uriekstes ielā 42B, Rīgā (objekta "Jaunas infrastruktūras izveidei kontroles dienestu funkciju īstenošanai Uriekstes ielā 42B, Rīgā (Kundziņsala)" ietvaros)” būvvaldes atzīme par vienkāršotās būvniecības ieceres akceptu.

09.09.2024. saņemta objekta “Ģeotermālie urbumi Uriekstes ielā 42B, Rīgā (objekta "Jaunas infrastruktūras izveidei kontroles dienestu funkciju īstenošanai Uriekstes ielā 42B, Rīgā (Kundziņsala)" ietvaros)” būvvaldes atzīme par būvdarbu uzsākšanas nosacījumu izpildi.

11.09.2024. Par Eiropas Savienības Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma plāna 6. komponentes "Likuma vara" 6.1. reformu un investīciju virziena "Ēnu ekonomikas mazināšana godīgas uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanai" 6.1.2.r. reformas "Muitas kontroles punktos skenēto attēlu attālināta un centralizēta analīze" investīcijas "Infrastruktūras izveide kontroles dienestu funkciju īstenošanai Kundziņsalā" īstenošanas progresu un turpmāko rīcību nodots TAP skaņošanas plūsmā (24-TA-2176).

15.10.2024. Informatīvais ziņojums apstiprināts MK sēdē.

18.12.2024. saņemta objekta “Jaunas infrastruktūras izveidei kontroles dienestu funkciju īstenošanai Uriekstes ielā 42B, Rīgā (Kundziņsala)” būvvaldes atzīme par projektēšanas nosacījumu izpildi.

19.12.2024. saņemta objekta “Jaunas infrastruktūras izveidei kontroles dienestu funkciju īstenošanai Uriekstes ielā 42B, Rīgā (Kundziņsala)” būvvaldes atzīme par būvdarbu uzsākšanas nosacījumu izpildi.