The purpose of the project is to invest in and improve the energy efficiency of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia building, in order to achieve primary energy savings of 15%, to provide more comfortable working conditions for the museum staff, and to improve the visual appearance of the building.
The project will invest in improving energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy sources in public sector buildings with a cultural function, including historic buildings, in order to reduce overall primary energy consumption, promote the switch to renewable energy sources in energy production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In order to improve the energy efficiency of the building as much as possible, it is planned to rebuild the heating system, shutting holes in the load-bearing walls, replacing or restoring the external doors and the external door opening finishes, replacing or restoring the windows and window opening finishes, insulating and renovating the base of the building, with additional insulation of the attic slab, reinforcement, repair, or replacement of the building structures, restoration of the timber board and plaster finish of the historic facade, replacement of the roofing, construction of a paved rainwater drainage kerb, rebuilding of the rainwater drainage system, and equipping of the building with a lightning protection system.
The purpose of the project:
To invest in and improve the energy efficiency of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia building, in order to achieve primary energy savings of 15%, to provide more comfortable working conditions for the museum staff, and to improve the visual appearance of the building.
The project will invest in improving energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy sources in public sector buildings with a cultural function, including historic buildings, in order to reduce overall primary energy consumption, promote the switch to renewable energy sources in energy production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Main project activities:
In order to improve the energy efficiency of the building as much as possible, it is planned to rebuild the heating system, shutting holes in the load-bearing walls, replacing or restoring the external doors and the external door opening finishes, replacing or restoring the windows and window opening finishes, insulating and renovating the base of the building, with additional insulation of the attic slab, reinforcement, repair, or replacement of the building structures, restoration of the timber board and plaster finish of the historic facade, replacement of the roofing, construction of a paved rainwater drainage kerb, rebuilding of the rainwater drainage system, and equipping of the building with a lightning protection system.
Project benefits:
Investments made to improve the energy efficiency of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia building.
The activities planned in the project will provide more comfortable living conditions and improve the visual appearance of the building, highlighting its representative character for users and visitors.
Primary energy consumption will be reduced by 15%.
Project duration and funding:
The project must be implemented by 30June 2026. The project funding is ensured within the framework of the European Union Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Plan 1.2 Reform and investment axis "Improving energy efficiency" investment "Improving energy efficiency in public sector buildings, including historic buildings".
15.04.2024. parakstīts pakalpojuma līgums ar SIA “Arhitektoniskās izpētes grupa” par kultūrvēsturiskās izpētes veikšanu;
15.04.2024. parakstīts pakalpojuma līgums ar SIA “Energi” par energoaudita pārskata un energosertifikāta izstrādi;
15.04.2024. parakstīts finansēšanas līgums ar CFLA (projekts Nr.;
01.08.2024. parakstīti ar CFLA projekta līguma grozījumi Nr.1. precizējot projekta aprakstu un projekta budžeta kopsavilkumu;
06.11.2024. noslēgts līgums ar būvprojekta izstrādātāju SIA “3D AD” par būvprojekta izstrādi un autoruzraudzības veikšanu;
07.03.2025. būvprojekts minimālā sastāvā iesniegts saskaņošanai RD pilsētas Attīstības departamentā.
Informācija atjaunota: 11.03.2025.